Health Tip Recap #14 - July 2024

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Thus far, Summer 2024 has been a fascinating season for a couple of reasons. Firstly, for Texans specifically, it's been especially rainy, sometimes bringing complete and sporadic downpours that have resulted in flooding, and power outages in various towns and suburbs; tornadic activity and a barreling hurricane have presented high winds and more, making people dart toward shelter. But this deluge of water and the complications that attend such severe weather has been well contrasted by the arrival of the Olympics. This is when the world comes together to professionally compete on the national stage. The athletes, from innumerable nations and all types of backgrounds, demonstrate their very best, together. July 2024's Health Tip Wednesday posts are reflective of the month's varied nature, discussing physical activity, weather, and beyond.

Simple Summer Activities

Kayaking – Recruit a friend or family member. Retrieve paddles and life vests. Then relax aboard a kayak for a pleasant water adventure, moving at just the speed desired.

Jogging – This activity can be a satisfying, moderate exercise that should be less demanding on the body and doesn’t require hours out of the week to feel results.

Jumping Rope – You liked it as a child. Why not become reacquainted with the joy of jumping rope? It’s also one of the best forms of cardiovascular exercise.

Tennis – Hand-eye coordination and speed are essential for succeeding at this sport. But even if you don’t immediately excel at either, you’re bound to appreciate the practice.

Biking – Whether you bike alone or with others, a breezy, screenless ride to a near or far place can aid in improving your physical and mental state.


Electrolytes for Wellness

What are electrolytes?
Electrolytes are substances that break up into ions when dissolved in water or body fluids. They help move nutrients into cells and help usher waste out of cells. They also assist nerves, muscles, the heart, and the brain in working as they should, making these particles vital for the body.

Potassium – Potassium is a chemical element commonly found in bananas, lentils, and tomatoes.
Magnesium – Magnesium can be found in spinach, almonds, as well as black beans.
Phosphate – Turkey meat, low-fat milk, and sunflower seeds have phosphates.
Sodium – Most foods have at least a little sodium, but cottage cheese and some canned tomato items can offer good sources of the element.
Calcium – Not only does it add greatly to bone and dental health, but it plays a major role in blood clotting and helps regulate nerve functions.
Chloride – Found in table salt, shrimp, and ketchup, this chemical element assists in maintaining proper pH levels, stimulates stomach acid needed for digestion, and more.


The Bright Side of Sunlight

Vitamin D
Being under the sun means absorbing Vitamin D, a vital nutrient that supports bone health and assists in reducing inflammation.


Sunlight may help improve the immune system, thereby making you more resistant to illness.

Sunlight can promote quality sleep and sets people’s circadian rhythms by regulating serotonin and melatonin levels.

Potential Pain Relief
Exposure to sun rays causes the skin to produce beta-endorphins, which assist in reducing pain.

Sunlight can also help to mitigate sadness or similar emotions, potentially putting you in a better mood.


The Rewards of Rain

Air Cleansing Rainfall may help reduce air pollution, which can make the atmosphere cleaner and more breathable.

Stress Reducing Whether you’re a pluviophile or not, the unmistakable scent of rain that usually comes after a dry period, called petrichor, may generate a calming effect.

Plant Nourishing - Rain is soft water, usually containing less minerals and chemicals than other sources of water. This is great for our plants which use the rain’s nitrogen to flourish and become greener after a good pour.

Water Providing - In some areas of the world, where there is limited access to water or there are not rivers or streams nearby, rainfall can bring a fresh supply.


Games for Brain Boosting

Sudoku - This number placement game is fun to play with just a pen and paper. It can support critical thinking and deductive reasoning.

Rubik’s Cube – Invented in the 1970s by a Hungarian architect, this classic game is a 3D combination puzzle that can help you practice problem-solving, strategizing and hand-eye coordination.

Solitaire – This card game can be played with a physical deck of cards or online. Among other perks, it may help improve memory and encourage relaxation.

Scrabble – The wonders of words are discovered here. Usually played as a board game with a group, this activity may help expand your vocabulary, strengthen memory and support better visual perception.

Puzzles – Whether you have 100 pieces or 1,000, completing a puzzle has several potential benefits. This might include supporting improved concentration, spatial reasoning, attention, and if you’re in a group, collaboration.

This concludes another compelling edition of Health Tip Recap! Though this recap is part of an ongoing series. In fact, we have more than a whole year's worth that you can review on our blog page. You can even start with Health Tip Recap #12 and Health Tip Recap #13. Enjoy and until next month's recap, adieu and remember, your wellness is number one.