The History of ManhattanLife


Memorable milestones, stories of reliability, innovation, and strength.

Founded in 1850, the Company’s longevity makes ManhattanLife one of the oldest and most reliable health and life insurance companies in the country. The original founders’ commitment to protect policyholders prevails to this day. Operating successfully for   years as an independent is a testimony to ManhattanLife’s enduring history, and an indicator of the reliability of our future.



ManhattanLife formed with purpose of providing protection for widows and orphans after cholera



First to Write: 1. Group Policy by American company, 2. Accident & Accidental Death, 3. Policy for a Woman – occupation listed as ”woman”



Incontestability Clause written into policies in an industry first that became law 40 years later



Old Reliable” reputation earned for locating Southerners and paying claims that occurred during Civil War



America’s First Skyscraper commissioned by ManhattanLife and built at 66 Broadway for the corporate office



Fiftieth Anniversary



Influenza Epidemic Heaviest mortality rate but no unusual restrictions for writing new policies



Word War I Ends Refund all extra premiums for war risk coverage paid during wartime



VJ Day $11,000,000 total of War & Victory Bonds sold by Home Office employees during all war years



Voice of America broadcast credits ManhattanLife for finding a lost policyholder in Hong Kong and paying benefits due



Steinway Building West 57th Street becomes new home office after makeover. Musical headquarters was the concept with Steinway on ground floor and upper floors reserved for artist and teachers



Installation of First Computer (the GE 225) - All December billing for Pension Trust Sales Department and teachers



New Logo to portray ManhattanLife as a progressive company



First Woman on Board – Sister Colette Mahoney, Order of Sacred Heart of Mary



New Ownership David Harris purchases ManhattanLife starting a new chapter of expansion and innovation



150th-Year Anniversary



Annuities & Voluntary Benefits Added ManhattanLife’s expansion under new ownership adds annuities and voluntary benefits to the product offering with purchases 78 and 80



Launch New Brand articulates value proposition of   years


ManhattanLife enjoys a rich past with colorful stories that demonstrate our independent spirit, track record of innovation and unwavering commitment to fairness. We want to bring these stories to life — to share with you and for you to share.