Our Brand for ManhattanLife


A Look that Reflects our Independence.

As a privately held independent, we are not a typical, large insurance company and we wanted a new logo identity that did not look typical. We think and act differently — operating according to our core values and mission, not the status quo, and we wanted the logo to reflect this.

About the Brand

The artistic line stroke of the logo captures our brand essence. It is bold, vibrant and confident. The sketch quality indicates that we are always evolving and progressing. And the fluid composition represents our agility and responsiveness to every day needs and challenges.

The iconic symbolism of Lady Liberty is an authentic embodiment of the ManhattanLife brand. She commands a strong presence, steadfast in purpose and independent in spirit. Her torch is a beacon for our life aspirations of health, wealth and security. She represents our core values of reliability, fairness and respect for partnership. Lady Liberty stands for all of America. Just as we do.

The logo identity is reflective of ManhattanLife’s brand persona. It is the visual representation of the independence which allows us to make our own decisions and take our own actions to remain true to what we stand for — standing by you. Like us, it is unique, distinctive and authentic to our organization and culture.



About Our Tagline

When it comes to insurance and annuity products, Americans from all walks of life have this in common: they want to know that when they have a claim they can count on their insurance company and its representative to come through. We understand from our vast experience that to make good on this need and stand by our policyholders and our producers.

Being able to say “Since 1850” is impressive. Being able to say “Standing by You. Since 1850. ”and knowing that it’s tested and true is our ultimate differentiator. It is a constant reminder of how we have lived by a singular, focused mission — honoring our word and promises and standing by policyholders and producers for   years.

ManhattanLife has a storied history that has consistently proved out that we deliver on our promise of standing by policyholders and producers.

Through domestic and world wars, outbreaks of plagues and multiple cycles of booms and busts, life has marched on in America. ManhattanLife has been there, diligently delivering on our mission. For   years we have shown we can be counted on, and our leadership intends to continue to live by these principles in the years ahead.