Health Tip Recap #3 - August 2023

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Our physical state and mental well-being are much too precious not to look after and nurture every day. But such maintenance requires pausing, some acute and screen-less attention, proper nutrition, and positive input from others to keep us progressing. For this third Health Tip Wednesday recap covering August 2023, we delve into mental wellness, the perks of having pets, health-giving plants, the benefits of a food garden, and plant-based beverages.

Mental Wellness Check-List:

To begin, we focus on ideas for supporting individual mental health. Following are four methods to consider.

Gratitude - Regularly practice gratitude. Notice who and what you have in your life.

Motion Maintain an exercise schedule. Whether at home or someplace outdoors, it helps to get going.

Problem-Solving Examine problems from various angles. Consider positive, healthy responses or solutions and their impact.

Take a Break - Allow for uninterrupted calm and quiet periods. This could mean a meditation session or a quick trip to the park.

Perks of Having Pets:

Indeed, we love our pets. But looking after animals also provides many upsides.

Companionship – Being with your pet involves dedicating your energy and genuine care to another life. From this, you can build a durable bond with your pet pal, whether they’re furry or not. Engagement with your pet also reinforces your compassion and patience toward others.

Time with Nature – Having pets, especially those that need to be outdoors for certain periods, promotes more time among nature. In the open air, you can feel the breeze and appreciate your vibrant surroundings. You can find yourself amid various types of trees and plants, while absorbing just enough Vitamin D from the sun.

Active Together – Our pets tend to keep us quite literally on our toes. They all but demand that we move, whether it’s scurrying around the house or going for a light jog outdoors with each other. Some animals carry a surplus of energy and have no trouble getting us to help them use it. Advantages to this include but are not limited to exercise, brightening our mood, and potentially improving our blood pressure.

Encourage Routine – We all have busy schedules. Our pets, it turns out, have schedules of their own and they ensure we adhere to theirs. But pets can help us form a more detailed daily routine. This includes feeding them, among other tasks, and often starts early in the morning before wrapping up later at night.

Conversation Starters – Have you ever been to a local park and struck up a conversation with someone because of their adorable dog? That’s how easily animals promote talking among us humans when we might otherwise stay strangers. While we’re out roaming the world with our pets in toe, there’s at least one good subject to begin a discussion with.

Health-Giving Plants:

Some plants can enhance our surroundings and potentially influence our wellbeing. Let’s look at a few of them.

Succulents - For those of us lacking green thumbs, succulents are fantastic. They require minimal attention and because their leaves store water, they do fine in a drought. Certain types of these plants can also increase the humidity in a room, while others, such as aloe vera, can aid in healing cuts and other skin ailments.

Ferns - This plant has been known to have air purification properties and can even help remove formaldehyde from the air. The Boston fern, in particular, has demonstrated the ability to eliminate carbon dioxide from an indoor environment. Additionally, though ferns fare better without abundant direct sunlight, unlike succulents, they do require regular watering.

African Violets - Care to add some color to a room or two? These smaller houseplants grow well with indirect sunlight and don’t demand constant watering. African violets have shown to be non-toxic to humans and pets. Plus, with shades of vivid pink, purple and even yellow, these flowers can easily liven up a space and perhaps, the people in them.

Bamboo Palm - Forget jetting to the tropics to be surrounded by bamboo. Though different from actual bamboo, bamboo palm plants can fill a plant void superbly, right at home. According to a study done by NASA, bamboo palm, or Chamaedorea seifrizii, is able to remove benzene and trichloroethylene (TCE) from the air.

Why Start a Food Garden?

This week’s Health Tip features a rather organic follow-up to last Wednesday’s post. Climate and schedules permitting, establishing a food garden could produce several benefits.

Promotes Learning – When beginning anything new, we’re all a bit green. But gardening presents a chance to educate yourself about the many intricacies of growing food at home, from the type of soil used to planting and arrangement.

Encourages Exercise – Whether you’re working to grow fruits or vegetables or both, you’re likely to burn some calories in the process. Though quite rewarding and involving nature, gardening demands physical activity so be prepared to break a sweat.

May Improve Diet – Food that is fresh, clean, and nutritious helps us maintain good health. Because you will better understand how cuisine is produced, it may then be easier to make different diet choices and help family members do the same.

Quality Control – It’s great to know exactly where your food came from and how it was handled prior to purchase. With your own garden, you can work to ensure your plants are free of unnecessary chemicals or exposure. You’ll know precisely where and how your food came to be.

Immediate Access – Which is easier? Hopping in the car and driving to the grocery store or visiting your very local garden and obtaining sustenance for another meal. We’ll say the second option. A thriving food garden can be convenient, quick, and potentially help save money.

Plant-Based Beverages:

Continuing with our Health Tip plant theme, we take a good glance at five plant-based beverages and their potential benefits. As always, consult a medical professional with questions about diet.

Aloe Vera Juice – The aloe vera plant is usually associated with the gel used to treat irritated skin or sunburns. But it can be beneficial in drink form as well! Aloe vera juice contains antioxidant and antibacterial properties, potentially helping parts of the body to heal. It can also assist with dental and oral health.

Almond Milk – Almonds are actually seeds extracted from the fruit of almond trees. The milk is often made by mixing almonds and water, eliminating the pulp, and keeping the liquid that results. Other ingredients may be added depending on preference. Almond milk functions as a good source of calcium, protein, and Vitamin D.

Green Tea - Green tea comes from the plant Camellia sinensis. According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, to produce green tea, leaves from the plant are steamed, pan fried, and dried. Some studies have shown that green tea, which contains caffeine, may have beneficial effects on blood pressure and cholesterol.

Apple Juice – Apples are plucked from apple trees. Though it contains a considerable amount of sugar, apple juice has several benefits. It is a good source of fiber and Vitamin C. Not to mention it may support hydration and anti-inflammation.

Orange Juice – Oranges come from shrubs or trees. After a series of processes, this citrus fruit is transformed into the juice found in many refrigerators. Drinking orange juice can be valuable to your health. It is high in Vitamin C, has antioxidants, and may assist with weight management.

Above is merely a fraction of our numerous Health Tip Wednesday posts on social media. You can find our Recap #1 and Recap #2 blog articles right here on our website. You can also check out our other health tip posts, including our most current one, their complete graphics, and far more on the ManhattanLife LinkedIn page.