Our Ads in The Wall Street Journal – Expanded Edition

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In January 2021, ManhattanLife began a weekly advertising campaign in The Wall Street Journal, appearing on page 2 of the Business section every other Tuesday. The ads appear both digitally and in print. The latest series rotates through five different ads which emphasize aspects of ManhattanLife’s substantial history and the customer experience we work diligently to provide. The following elaborates on each of the featured taglines. With some context, these paragraphs illustrate more fully what the taglines represent and explain why your confidence and loyalty continues to be well placed.      

                                                                                               Advertisement #1


                                                                      Reliability: A Standard Our Customers Expect.

Originally, insurance policies were largely created out of sheer necessity. Part of the primary goal was to ease the high costs that would often fall on an individual or a group of individuals should the unexpected occur. One of the definitions of 'coverage' is simply the act of covering, or more precisely, shielding. There is a great deal of uncertainty in the world. Even the average, supposedly predictable days sometimes wield their own set of surprises. Thus, having the best coverage is imperative.

Our products and services span a large, distinctive range of support for policyholders. This is coverage that is readily accessible and can be truly counted on. With over 170 years of being in business, we are extremely versed in what it means to provide exceptional products and services along with the unequaled, high quality customer care that comprises both. People already contend enough with the unexpected. What we bring can always be expected: trust, reassurance, and reliability.

                                                                                                  Advertisement #2


                                                       Privately Held. Universally Trusted. Geographically Comprehensive.

ManhattanLife’s independence is one of our strongest attributes, a distinction we are extremely proud of. We began in 1850 as an independent business and we have remained that way. Being privately held allows more freedom of choice and prompt decisiveness. This gives ManhatanLife the unique capacity to move forward uninterrupted, as we maintain great partnerships with producers and always consider how best to serve policyholders across all fifty United States and its territories. 

The influence of stakeholders can impact such freedom and challenge our abilities to do what is most suitable, potentially limiting reach and the opportunity for sincere relationships. Being a very closely held, independent and robust company is not only a concept we fully understand and elevate, but a concept we greatly exhibit.

                                                                                                Advertisement #3


                                                                        For a Company This Old, We Move Pretty Fast.

Age is merely a number. For ManhattanLife, that statement is especially accurate. The automobile was not even patented until thirty-six years after our company was founded. The times have certainly changed in the interim, and we have evolved considerably with them. But with such significant change and advancement, also comes notable experience and wisdom that is unmatched in the market.

Our storied history helps us build outstanding products, using our knowledge and expertise of the past to create precisely what customers need for their lives today. ManhattanLife’s endurance more than demonstrates our ability to adapt and be fully prepared to give the variety of coverage customers seek, with customer care that is famous for its quickness. Every component here serves to ensure that our plans and policies are as supportive as possible.

                                                                                                        Advertisement #4


                                                                                  Products for Every Need. And Everyone.

ManhattanLife products, whether they concern health, wealth, or security, are always built with the highest quality and consideration for the customer. Of course, every policyholder has different needs and priorities and, as a company, ManhattanLife is committed to meeting those needs. As an organization, we have the ability to be nimble and flex, responding to customer needs and offering a wide range of products. Our offerings include individual products, group voluntary benefits for the workplace, annuities, Stop Loss for employers, and senior products, such as Medicare Supplement.

With extensive behind-the-scenes innovation and quickness, we have created all of these products and services that work for our policyholders. Insurance matters when it matters most to our policyholders. Their coverage is readily available when they need it or when the unexpected occurs. Our plans translate to action and protection and encourage stability, as each one is intended to have a lasting, positive impact.

                                                                                                           Advertisement #5


                                                                  Listening Closely. Responding Quickly. Delivering Consistently.

The reliability of our products and services is a characteristic we pride ourselves on. Though we understand the strengths of our products and services must extend past their leading, more observable areas of support. Help cannot simply stop once a policy or contract is issued. To be entirely helpful, our customer care also involves substantive and informative discussion that includes assistance as well as education for every policyholder, contract holder, interested individual or employer. This happens either in person or via phone calls in which important and in-depth questions are asked and answered.

We have representatives and partners to help ensure your experience with our products and services is simple, yet comprehensive. Here we have people assisting other people so that our customers not only obtain the highest quality products, but also receive the highest quality customer service to match. We are extremely careful and considerate, genuinely seeking to establish as well as maintain excellent relationships with ManhattanLife customers through speed, responsiveness, and the most desirable results.

Visit ManhattanLife's About Overview and Our History pages for even more details, including a map of our current office locations.