Voluntary Benefits - Explored, Part 3

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Life occasionally presents a problem that requires a solution. But the full impact of that problem entirely depends on the quality and strength of the solution. While Group Universal Life and Group GAP are ManhattanLife’s newest Voluntary Benefits products, there are also other products that offer just as much durable and dynamic protection. These plans function well individually and, in many cases, complement each other greatly.


Accident Coverage

ManhattanLife Voluntary Benefits offer two different Accident plans. The plan selection by the employer largely depends on a preference for how benefits are paid.  For both, coverage starts at zero with each new accident and benefits pay in addition to any coverage in place.

Accident Indemnity Plus 

With this accident plan, the employee or insured receives a defined indemnity amount with each accident based on care and treatment provided. The amount is also in accordance with the schedule of benefits selected by the employer. The claims department sends a payment based on the total of combined services. This type of plan can better assist employees that prefer a specific breakdown of services and the amounts received for each.

Accident Reimbursement Plus

Under this plan, coverage is primarily broken down into a Medical Expense Benefit with other stackable benefits, acting as a ‘catch all’ product. Coverage is available up to $2,000 per accident and includes additional benefits for bone fractures/dislocations, ambulance services, hospitalization, and more. The insured simply submits the total bill for a covered accident and ManhattanLife reimburses the employee directly up to the maximum amount selected. This is especially helpful for those who prefer an understanding of the overall cost, without a breakdown of the specified services rendered.

Critical Illness/Cancer

Critical Illness/Cancer coverage provides a lump-sum benefit to families so they can continue to meet their financial obligations while focusing on recovering from a critical illness, possibly decreasing the need to tap into one’s home equity or retirement account. The plan has an Optional Recurrence Benefit available as well, allowing payment for conditions that reoccur at least 12 months after the initial diagnosis. Essentially, the patient can receive even more treatment beyond the initial care.

Disability Income

This type of insurance assists families in remaining afloat while the employee recovers from an accident or illness by replacing up to 60% of their lost income. The plan provides a monthly disability income benefit that can help pay housing costs, food, car payments and additional medical costs. There is partial and recurrent disability included with a waiver of premium also available.

Hospital Indemnity

With the Hospital Indemnity plan, the employee receives a benefit payment based on the number of days in the hospital and the type of treatment they have while hospitalized. These cash benefits pay in addition to other coverage. Benefits can be used however the employee chooses whether it is for paying medical bills, everyday expenses, or a combination of both.

Level-Term Life

This is a budget-friendly choice to supplement a medical plan as it provides straightforward protection that is affordable and remains the same for that period of time or “term”. The plans offer multiple features including 10-year and 20-year term periods with an accelerated living benefit for terminal illnesses, a waiver of premium, in addition to an accidental death, loss of sight, and dismemberment benefit. However, the availability of these benefits and waiver of premiums varies by state and is not approved in all states. 

Whole Life

Whole Life provides protection through retirement and afterward with premiums and benefits that do not change with age. It can also build cash value that the employee can gain access to for any reason be it mortgage costs, a child's education expenses, retirement income, and more. Whole Life is lifelong coverage (as long as the premiums are paid) that employees can take with them, even if they retire. One of the plan's important base features is the facility care acceleration benefit which accelerates a portion of the basic death benefit, with no term rider and on a monthly basis, to provide a living benefit for facility care.

Well-Being Rider

Well-Being Rider can assist the employee in taking control of expensive chronic conditions while encouraging participation in the employer’s current wellness program. The employee can utilize the benefit through these methods.

  1. An employee completes 1 of 21 wellness screenings, available in select states only, and receives a cash benefit.
  2. If an employee is, or has been, diagnosed with one of the following conditions, they are eligible for the lifestyle reward program: obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease.
  3. The employee signs up for 1 of 4 lifestyle reward programs that include weight loss, smoking cessation, nutrition, and health coaching.
  4. The employee finishes the lifestyle reward program or remains in it for 90 days. Then, they receive a cash benefit.

Well-Being Rider is available with Accident, Critical Illness/Cancer, or Hospital Indemnity and may not be available with every product in every state.

Voluntary benefits through an employer can provide additional support and may help reduce burdensome medical costs for you as well as your loved ones. Together, these plans hold a large scope of coverage, some of which can help with immediate medical needs, while others can assist an individual over the course of several years. Regardless of the objective or problem, and the shape either takes, any of the benefits described above and throughout this series can create ideal solutions.

Please visit our Voluntary Benefits page for more information. For sales, email us at VBSales@ManhattanLife.com.