Voluntary Benefits: Enrollment Call Center & COVID-19

voluntary benefits open enrollment covid-19

ManhattanLife continues to stand by you during these difficult times.

COVID-19 has created unforeseen circumstances. Employers need to provide safe and simple benefit enrollment solutions without compromising the health and well-being of their employees. Balancing this, along with the human touch, to deliver desperately needed enrollment guidance can go a long way in providing the peace of mind employees are entitled to,  regardless of the benefits offered. Telephonic Enrollment Call Centers can help meet the needs of employer groups by providing a remote and flexible way to communicate, educate and enroll benefits.

What are some advantages of Telephonic Enrollment?

  • A Telephonic Enrollment Call Center becomes an extension of the employer’s HR team and can reduce the time spent by Human Resources fielding benefit related inquiries.
  • Allows all parties involved to maximize awareness, maximize participation and maximize results.
  • Telephonic enrollment complements self-service enrollments while enhancing the employer’s investment in technology.
  • Available during open enrollment and for new hire/on-boarding strategies throughout the year.
  • Toll free access provides employees the convenience of enrolling from home or work.
  • Inbound or outbound options are available, often with online or mobile scheduling.
  • Accommodates spouse’s availability.
  • Delivers flexible hours to meet the needs of the client and employees.
  • HIPAA compliant technology provides a convenient and paperless process with voice stamp signatures, client specific reporting and enrollment issue tracking.
  • Multilingual services are available to support clients with diverse populations.
  • All calls are handled in the US and are not routed to other countries.
  • Professionally trained benefit counselors in all 50 states have a vast knowledge of core and voluntary benefits.
  • Telephonic enrollment services can accommodate a broad range of group sizes.

ManhattanLife partners with many Telephonic Enrollment Call Centers. Our goal during this challenging time is to provide our valued agents and partners with solutions that meet the unique needs of their clients.

Contact your ManhattanLife representative today and ask how Telephonic Enrollment can help you!