ManhattanLife's Personal Accident Insurance Solution for You - P.A.I.D

Personal accident indemnity delivery PAID graphic sign

What is Personal Accident Insurance?

Personal Accident Insurance is an individual insurance plan that you can purchase in addition to your current insurance.

When it comes to accidents, the only thing we can plan for is having some of our out-of-pocket expenses covered.

Is Personal Accident Insurance Worth It?

Most people think of cars when the topic of accidents comes up, and in fact, over 2.5 million people were injured due to car accidents in 20171. However, car accidents are only a piece of the larger conversation.

In 2018, there were 2.8 million recorded cases of nonfatal occupational injury and illness, ranging from fractures to burns to carpal tunnel. A person could miss anywhere from 3 to 48 days of work, depending on the nature and severity of the injury or illness. 2

For most people, the cost of even 1 missed day is too much.

ManhattanLife’s Personal Accident Indemnity Delivery (PAID) is your accident insurance solution.

ManhattanLife is one of the few companies to offer both “24-Hour” and “Off-the-Job Only” options.

  • The 24-Hour option covers you whether you’re at work or off the clock.
  • The Off-the-Job Only option covers accidents outside of the workplace.

How Do I Get Personal Accident Insurance?

You’re eligible to apply if you’re between 18 and 64. If approved, your policy is Guaranteed Renewable until age 703 – meaning you’re covered until age 70 as long as you continue to pay premium.

You can purchase coverage for yourself or your family, with options for an Annual Wellness Benefit Rider and a Disability Income Rider depending on your state of residence.

Benefit Highlights Include:

  • Up $1,000 for Hospital Admission
  • Up to $5,000 for Fractures
  • Accidental Death coverage for each insured4
  • Up to $10,000 for burns, based on size and degree
  • Emergency Dental
  • Air and Ground Ambulance coverage
  • ER Treatment

Take control of your out-of-pocket expenses and make sure you have options for keeping them down.

Visit our Accident Insurance Policies page for more information.

1Data source: NCSA’s 2019 “Traffic Safety Facts 2017 A Compilation of Motor Vehicle Crash Data (Annual Report)

2Data source: the Bureau of Labor Statistics Injuries, Illnesses, and Fatalities statistics

3Premium rates are subject to change

4Accidental Death coverage: up to $50,000 for individual, $20,000 for spouse, and $10,000 for child