A word from our Chairman

manhattanlife houston skyline

First and foremost, our thoughts and prayers are with those families, friends and neighbors, including our own employees, who have been affected by Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath.

ManhattanLife was up and running all throughout the storm in Houston.

Our states of domicile are New York, Texas, Arkansas, and Washington.

Half of our operations are in Houston and the other half in Spokane, WA. Neither office was compromised due to the storm along the Texas Gulfcoast.

However, due to heavy rainfall and flooding a number of our Houston employees experienced difficulties getting into the Houston office. The building itself was unaffected. Our systems have been up and running throughout this difficult time. We still have Houston employees who are still dealing with personal situations that preclude a full day of work every day but we are close to being fully staffed.

There will be some telephone response delays, but those will soon stop.

We are helping and supporting our employees directly affected by the storm.

As always, our folks maintain great attitudes and appreciate all the support they have been given.

We all work hard to provide the best service possible. ManhattanLife appreciates your support and we value your business.

Best Regards,


David W. Harris
Chairman & Chief Executive Officer