17 Reasons Consumers Choose Medicare Supplement Over Medicare Advantage

medicare supplement or medicare advantage choice

Below is a list of the main reasons consumers choose a Medicare Supplement plan over a Medicare Advantage plan.

1. All medical bills paid for by insurance

2. The ability to use any doctor or hospital

3. A plan that is simple to use

4. Unrestricted access to specialists

5. Coverage that is guaranteed and will not change

6. The ability to get care, even if you're traveling

7. Unrestricted access to hospitals

8. Nationwide emergency coverage at no additional costs

9. The ability to get Rx filled at preferred pharmacy

11. No copays for office visits

12. Not restricted to a certain network of doctors or hospitals

13. Access to advanced technology, like MRIs

14. Will be able to keep my current insurer

15. The ability to keep your doctor

16. Only one bill a month

17. Different Medicare Supplement plans to choose from

If you are looking for any of these perks in your healthcare coverage, visit our Medicare Supplement Plans page.