Medicare Supplement Plan N: A Closer Look

medicare supplement plan n

Medicare Supplement Plan N is one of the standardized Medigap plans offered by private insurance companies. Like other Medigap plans, it covers costs that Original Medicare does not.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits you receive when you sign up for Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Plan N. Plan N covers 100% of the following:

  • Medicare Part A Coinsurance and Hospital Costs (up to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits are used.
  • Medicare Part B Coinsurance or Copayment*
  • First 3 Pints of Blood (each calendar year)
  • Part A Hospice Care Coinsurance or Copayment
  • Skilled Nursing Facility Care Coinsurance
  • Medicare Part A Deductible
  • Medicare Part B Preventive Care Coinsurance

*Plan N pays 100% of the Medicare Part B coinsurance costs, with the exception of a copayment of up to $20 for some office visits and up to $50 for emergency room visits that don't result in the beneficiary being admitted as an inpatient.

As you can see, Plan N is very similar to Plans F and G, the most popular and comprehensive Medigap plans. The difference lies in that Plan N does not cover your Medicare Part B deductible, like Plan F, or you Part B excess charges, like both F and G.

Since Medigap Plan N requires a copayment of $20 for some office visits, it can be the perfect plan for those that do not go to see their doctor often. If you are one of these people, you will save on your monthly premium compared to a Plan G or F and you will not have to pay office visit copays very often.

Visit our Medicare Supplement Plans page  information.