I Used to Smoke, Can I Qualify for Non-Smoker Rates for a Medicare Supplement

hiker holding a stick on top of a mountain

Ultimately, the answer is yes, you can potentially qualify for Non-Smoker rates if you have been a smoker in the past depending on how long it has been since you smoked. If you were previously a smoker, but it has been at least 5 years since the last time you smoked, you qualify for Non-Smoker rates.

It is also important to note that if you have quit smoking but it has not yet been 5 years since you quit, you can still eventually get the Non-Smoker rates! When you hit your 5 year anniversary from the time you quit smoking, contact us here at Manhattan Life to switch over to Non-Smoker rates at your next payment period.

Visit ManhattanLife's Medicare Supplement for plan information.