Medigap Solutions
for Seniors



Why medicare supplement insurance from ManhattanLife?

Medicare Supplement policies from ManhattanLife help with the coinsurance costs, copayments and deductibles that are not covered by Medicare, helping keep health care out of pocket expenses to a minimum.


Policies That Are Standardized and Regulated

Medicare Supplement policies are standardized and regulated by the federal and some state governments. So, the benefits for each policy are the same regardless of which company you select. The only difference will be the prices paid for each policy as well as how a company determines rate increases.
A Range of Coverage, Plus Premium Discounts

Medicare Supplement insurance is often referred to as Medigap because it fills the gaps in coverage that are left by Medicare. For example, if a policyholder needs supplemental coverage for hospitalization costs, they can purchase a supplemental plan that provides extra benefits for hospitalization. Plus, premium discounts are available when both household residents are insured by ManhattanLife.