Bridging the gap.


Keep out-of-pocket hospital expenses in check.

With today’s rising cost of medical care and health insurance premiums, many individuals and groups have selected higher deductibles, fewer co-pays, and more out-of-pocket costs. This has been done to make health insurance premiums more affordable.* An Out-of-Pocket policy from ManhattanLife can help the costs associated with a hospital stay from becoming an unnecessary burden.



Out-of-pocket healthcare spending in the U.S. grew by 2.8% in 2018 to $375.6 billion.1


Annual spending for medical and pharmacy claims in the U.S. reached $5,641 per person in 2017.2


The average deductible for workers in the U.S. covered by a major medical plan with a general annual deductible in 2019 was $1,655.3



Pays benefits directly to you unless assigned to help with hospital bills and out-of-pocket costs
Your choice of benefits and premiums
Pays in addition to all other insurance and workers’ compensation
Daily inpatient hospital confinement benefit
Hospital admission benefit
Doctor office visits
No deductibles
No networks




Benefit exclusions and limitations may apply to the policy. For additional information about out-of-pocket insurance for hospital confinement or any of our other quality products, please contact us or your ManhattanLife Agent or Broker.



Sources for statistics: 1National Health Expenditure Data; 22017 Health Care Cost and Utilization Report – Health Care Cost Institute; 3Kaiser Family Foundation: Employee Health Benefits Survey; *National Center Biotechnology information