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Yoga 5 by 5: Potential Benefits and Basic Poses

We're all stories. These personal sagas assembled over time. There’s the childhood that seems endless. Followed by an adulthood that feels ridiculously rushed, yet glorious just the same. But throughout everything, sleek and topsy-turvy scenes alike, there are two constants: the mind and the body. Enter yoga, a resource that can bare great value when used to align both constants, strike balance, and regain control we either lack or misplaced.

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Health Tip Recap #10 - March 2024

March 2024 saw the finale of a chilly winter, amid signs of a softer, warmer season developing. This batch of health tips weaves its way through our precious hours before concluding with methods for helping make powerful pollen and other environs a little less miserable. All of these ideas and suggestions are meant to support a sharpening of focus on a natural wellness that promotes happiness and productivity.

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Meaning What? Defining Insurance Words and Phrases

It’s important to understand the spectrum of options available to us concerning our healthcare and financial prospects. It also matters greatly that we have familiarity with the specific terminology used in product and service explanations. There are words and phrases that, once explained, can make the insurance plans and opportunities they’re a part of even more understandable, and thus, more beneficial for the policyholder or contract holder.


Upsides to Aging: 10 Reasons Getting Older is Great

When does time itself become a nemesis to defeat? When does the aging that attends it become a process we must race to resist? These large shifts to competing with time’s passage as we mature can happen at any age. The change is different for everyone. But there are still advantages to getting older that have nothing to do with what our high-definition mirrors reflect. Physical concerns completely aside, aging is quite wonderful. Here are ten reasons why.