
A Promise Kept: Climbing to the Mount Kilimanjaro Summit

The distance is done. Powerful winds roll to the southeast, brushing past and enveloping you at once. Despite this, you remain steady and firmly planted to the point you’ve attained. The rocky and icy ground at your booted feet, terrain once rugged as it is treacherous, now feels almost smooth underneath, welcoming in a way, as if you’ve been expected for some time. A sundry of feelings lightly settles over you, like a warm blanket to counteract the unusually cold air. It is here that intense exhilaration is met with unprecedented calm and more, all tirelessly earned over the course of many days.

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Health Tip Wednesday Recap #12 - May 2024

Departing from routine and what you already know to become more acquainted with the unfamiliar. That is the primary theme found in this month's Health Tip Wednesday posts for May 2024. Through creativity and communication, we can potentially move through our days with a little more happiness and understanding. There is a lot that can come from exploration, it is simply a matter of starting the search, as you consider the following...

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Yoga 5 by 5: Potential Benefits and Basic Poses

We're all stories. These personal sagas assembled over time. There’s the childhood that seems endless. Followed by an adulthood that feels ridiculously rushed, yet glorious just the same. But throughout everything, sleek and topsy-turvy scenes alike, there are two constants: the mind and the body. Enter yoga, a resource that can bare great value when used to align both constants, strike balance, and regain control we either lack or misplaced.

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Health Tip Recap #7 - December 2023

Welcome to our seventh Health Tip Wednesday recap! Here you will find a few details on the vitamins that keep us strong and vivacious, as showcased in December 2023 on our social media pages. You will also discover the benefits of wintry weather, because it turns out, there actually are a few to note. Check out the fun yet informative quasi-exploration here.

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Health Tip Recap #6 - November 2023

With the holiday season already here and more celebrations still to go, it’s a fantastic time to remind ourselves about what matters most: our wellbeing and the wellbeing of those we cherish. While these last months of the year can be a trying period for some, November 2023’s health tips shine some extra and positive light on dental care, cooking practices, healthier eating habits, and self-care.

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Health Tip Recap #4 - September 2023

Taking care of your body can equate to a stronger physical state, with a placid mind to match. The trick to arriving at the peak of that metaphorical Mount Everest? That would be motion and maintenance. September 2023's collection of health tips shines light on what we can do to feel physically better and feel more ourselves, both in the short term and long term.


Essential Health Biometrics and You

Health biometrics matter greatly. Yet the very mention of the term conjures images of various, potentially overwhelming data that must be examined and understood before benefiting the person it describes. This article pertains specifically to blood pressure, cholesterol, glucose, and body mass index (BMI), and provides an informative, but not exhaustive look at all four items.