
News from the companies of ManhattanLife

Exciting News: ManhattanLife is Now Featured in Broker World Magazine!

ManhattanLife is thrilled to be advertising in the print and digital editions of Broker World Magazine. Beginning with the June 2024 issue and in the coming months, these advertisements will showcase ManhattanLife and our encompassing range of products. The leading advertisement for this series is a one-of-a-kind illustration by graphic designer, Brandon Meneses, part of our Corporate Communications team. The artwork underscores ManhattanLife’s centuries-spanning history and our devotion to customers through each decade. You can view the ad on Broker World’s website here.

Broker World was first published in the fall of 1980 and is the only national insurance magazine founded, focused and edited to specifically address the brokerage marketplace. ManhattanLife’s advertising partnership with Broker World further exemplifies the legacy we’ve built through multifaceted progress, and how we’re strengthening connections with producers across the industry.

Learn more about ManhattanLife through our storied history and products at a glance.