
News from the companies of ManhattanLife

manhattanlife selects Jacquelyn Ambrose
ManhattanLife Selects Jacquelyn Ambrose as Employee of the Quarter Q2

ManhattanLife moves ever forward with the goal to continually meet the needs of policyholders. But our exceptional employees are paramount to reaching that objective. 
We are pleased to announce Jacquelyn Ambrose as the Employee of the Quarter for Q2 for 2022. She was among 18 nominees for the quarter. 
Jacquelyn’s nominator said: “She is a quiet, reserved employee who likes to do her job and make an impact upon the team. She doesn't require much recognition. She is a hardworking team-player and has spent a lot of time in training new staff this last quarter. She is another quiet asset that ManhattanLife has in their pocket!" Way to go, Jacquelyn!