
News from the companies of ManhattanLife

new annuity insurance products
Introducing: ManhattanLife's New Annuities

The new launch marks a major milestone for our company. This is the first annuity product launch the new Product Development Team has developed in partnership with Western United Life Assurance Company (WULA), and the first annuity products our company has introduced in almost four years.

We have designed our new MYGAs to complement our already popular and successful Discovery MYGA series. Offering a range of guarantee periods and withdrawal features, the new products will provide clients with higher-yield solutions better targeted to fit their needs.

“With this launch, we hope to inaugurate a new period of product innovation and organic growth in our annuity business,” said Marc Puzzo, President of Western United Life. “The diversified product selection and higher interest rates will help us expand our presence in the fixed annuity market and will better equip our producers with the tools they need to safeguard and grow their clients’ money in retirement.”

The new Discovery Plus, Navigator Elite MVA, and Navigator Ultra MVA are available for sale in 42 states.

To have a producer contact you with more information, fill out our "Tell Us About You" form. Visit our Annuity Plans page for more information on all our great Annuity options.