
News from the companies of ManhattanLife

manhattanlife affordablechoice outpatient benefit
Affordable Choice Outpatient Benefit Enhancements

The Fixed Indemnity market is robust and Affordable Choice and ManhattanLife are responsible for the marketplace being more viable than ever. Despite challenging circumstances this year, our Affordable Choice sales are on track for a record-breaking year.

And why shouldn’t they be:

Over the past few years we have significantly upgraded the product with:

  • Two new plan designs to complement the current Classic and Elite offerings, including a $5,000 Daily Room Benefit;
  • A new cancer benefit with per day amounts up to a total of 40 days per year;
  • A new surgical schedule that pays based off a Medicare fee schedule;
  • A new Building Benefit confinement feature, increasing the daily room benefit beginning in Year 2 of a policy when confined due to an accident;
  • Increased Calendar Year and Lifetime Maximum amounts; and
  • Additional doctor office visits with a rollover provision.

Today, I am happy to announce significant enhancements to our Outpatient Benefits and our Emergency and Urgent Care visit benefits.

Let’s start with a Before and After for ER and UC. Our prior version allowed one visit per year and a benefit amount ranging from $125-$375 depending on the plan. Our new version breaks out ER and UC with two ER visits allowed at $250 for Elite series and one visit for $250 for our Classic plans.

Urgent Care now has four visits at $250 for Elite plans and two visits for $250 for Classic. A nice upgrade.


Emergency Room or Urgent Care

(Per day/limit of 1 daily benefit per calendar year)

$375 $250 $250 $125
Emergency Room (Per day /calendar year maximum) $250/2 CY $250/2 CY $250/1 CY $250/1 CY
Urgent Care (Per day /calendar year maximum) $250/4 CY $250/4 CY $250/2 CY $250/2 CY


The Outpatient Benefits (Preventative, Laboratory and Radiology have substantial upgrades as shown in the chart below.





Preventative Services




Up to $300

Up to $600


Up to $100

Up to $300


Up to $100

Up to $300

Laboratory Services



        Surgical Pathology

Up to $100

Up to $300

        Other Lab Services

Up to $50

Up to $50

Therapy Services



        PT/OT/ST Therapy

Up to $25

Up to $75

Radiology Services




Up to $500

Up to $700


Up to $250

Up to $700


Up to $200

Up to $700


Up to $150

Up to $300

        Other Radiology

Up to $75

Up to $250

Outpatient Benefits CY Max

Up to $3,000

Up to $8,000

Emergency Room (ER)

$375  1 CY  Max

$250 w/2 CY Max

Urgent Care (UC)

$375  1 CY  Max

$250 w/4 CY Max

And the good news keeps on coming…the Calendar Year Maximums have also been increased:

Outpatient Benefits Calendar Year Maximum

Plan Design

Prior CY Max

New CY Max

Elite Plus






Classic Plus







As of today, we have 14 state approvals and 14 additional states filed. The approved states include:

Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

What’s Next, You Ask, and When Can I Get Access to the New Benefits?

The New brochures, application and agent guide will be available via the Agent Sales portal (online) beginning Tuesday, September 8st. In the approved states, our ManhattanDirect quoting tool will reflect new benefits and new premiums. The states that are not yet approved will still be available with all the prior, notable enhancements. We will notify you when new states are added.

Also, please note that existing clients wishing to change to one of the newly approved plans can do so at the policy year anniversary.

Our Marketing Team is ready to assist you with any questions. It’s a phone call away at 888-441-0770.

Please stay safe and as we head closer to the fourth quarter I wish you nothing but success. As always, your business is most appreciated.

All the Best,

A picture containing knife

Description automatically generatedTodd Hayden