Cancer, Heart, Stroke & Dread Disease
Benefits paid directly to you.


Choose how to use your benefits.

ManhattanLife’s First Occurrence and Cancer and/or Heart & Stroke plans provide an important safety net beyond traditional health insurance. You choose how to use your Lump Sum benefits and how to address the financial consequences of a cancer and/or heart & stroke diagnosis.

In addition, ManhattanLife also offers Cancer Care Plus, which provides additional coverage for dread diseases including muscular dystrophy, epilepsy, meningitis, and multiple sclerosis.



It is estimated that over 1.8 million Americans will be diagnosed with Cancer in 2020.1


The median hospitalization cost for a Heart Attack in the United States is $53,834.2


Every year more than 795,000 people in the United States suffer from a Stroke.3


Benefit exclusions and limitations may apply to the policy. For additional information about cancer insurance or any of our other quality products, please contact us or your ManhattanLife Agent or Broker.

Sources for statistics: 1“High Cost of Cancer Treatment.”, 20 Aug. 2021,; 2“Burden of Catastrophic Health Expenditures for Acute Myocardial Infarction and Stroke among Uninsured in the United States.” U.S. National Library of Medicine. 23 Jan. 2019.; 3“Stroke Facts.” Center for Disease Control and Prevention.” 25. May 2021.;

The cited facts represent the U. S. population, are for information only, and do not imply coverage under the policy or endorsement of the company.