Short-Term Disability
When accident or illness strike.


Coverage employees need when it counts the most.

For most employees, the ability to earn an income is their most valuable asset. Disability insurance from ManhattanLife helps protect an employee’s and their family’s assets in the event of a disability or illness. ManhattanLife offers two different short-term disability policies – ManhattanLife Disability Income Plus as part of our Prestige series, and CentralCare Disability through our Premier series.



At least 51 million working adults in the United States are without disability insurance other than the basic coverage available through Social Security.1


Approximately 1 of every 20 working Americans, or 5.6%, will experience a short-term disability (six months or less) due to illness, injury, or pregnancy on average every year. Almost all of these are non-occupational in origin.2


Almost half of American adults indicate they can’t pay an unexpected $400 bill without having to take out a loan or sell something to do so.3




Only 48% of American adults have enough savings to cover three months of living expenses in the event they are unable to earn any income.2

1 in 4

More than one in four of today’s 20-year-olds can expect to be out of work for at least a year because of a disabling condition before they reach normal retirement age.4


Of all the adults age 18 to 44 in the U.S. dealing with disabilities, 1 in 3 have an unmet healthcare need in the past year due to cost.5



This is not a policy of workers’ compensation insurance. The employer does not become a subscriber to the Workers’ Compensation System by purchasing this policy, and if the employer is a non-subscriber, the employer loses those benefits that would otherwise accrue under the Workers’ Compensation Laws. The employer must comply with the Workers’ Compensation Law as it pertains to the non-subscribers and the required notifications that must be filed and posted.

Sources for statistics: 1American Council of Life Insurers; 2Integrated Benefits Institute: Health and Productivity Benchmarking 2016; 3Federal Reserve: Report on the Economic Well-Being of U.S. Households in 2016; 4Social Security Administration; 5Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: disability Impacts All of Us, 2019